Tuesday, April 27, 2010

So I realize it's been forever and a day, and like previously mentioned, I'm terrible at keeping up with these things, and so much has happened since January 1st. I just can't seem to find the time to write it all down. I met a new guy, who is amazing! And at dinner tonight I was talking to a friend about him, and that I'm not 100% sure if he's "the one", and after 3 months I guess that's ok. So she asked me 2 simple questions, "do you two make a good team (in the broadest sense of the word)? and will you ever meet someone that's the same as him? in other words, what makes different from any other guy?" and it got me thinking, "what does make him different?" so I've been thinking....
1) he's there for me whenever i need him, which to me means so much!
2) he makes me feel beautiful, no matter what i look like
3) he truly loves me for me, which is amazing
4) the one time we even came close to a fight, I was mad at him and it wasn't the other way around, it was completely ridiculous, but he still apologized and let me cool down. When I apologized he told me not to worry about it, and he would have been mad at him too...how understanding!
5) he wants to better himself and has the motivation to do so
6) he wants a future with me (as in he wants to be with me forever)
...and the more obvious things such as: sweet, sensitive, caring, fun, funny, outgoing, sociable, etc. (that list could go on and on, but I'll stop there).

So thank you Kimberly, for putting things into a better perspective. To answer the questions, we make a great team in everything that we do, and I don't think I would ever find anyone else like him!

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 1, 2010

so its 2010 and i have wanted to start a blog for some time, so im finally doing it! i just got done working 4:30pm-12:45am. yay for me. i got to bring in the new year counting money. at least i have a job though. :)

for this blog, i just want you all to have a look at my life, and plan on posting blogs as much as possible. im a firm believer that the more you know about someone the more you can understand why they are the way they are. ive started things like this in the past and have not done very well at keeping up with them, but im hoping i keep up this time.

i guess thats all for now.